Visit a school (Practice Teaching) and find out the different measures/activities taken by school or teachers for healthy mental health of the children by interviewing school teacher practicum in english version pdf

Visit a school (Practice Teaching) and find out the different measures/activities taken by school or teachers for healthy mental health of the children by interviewing school teacher practicum in English version download


Visit a school (Practice Teaching) and find out the different measures/activities taken by school or teachers for healthy mental health of the children by interviewing school teacher

BSAEU B.ED GUIDELINE , from Here you will be able to download free study material for Baba Saheb Ambedkar Education University (Erstwhile WEUTTPA) B.Ed. 1st Semester course 1.1.1 " Visit a school (Practice Teaching) and find out the different measures/activities taken by school or teachers for healthy mental health of the children by interviewing school teacher " practicum in english and bengali  both version 

Topic title

Visit a school (Practice Teaching) and find out the different measures/activities taken by school or teachers for healthy mental health of the children by interviewing school teacher


Mental health plays a crucial role in a child's overall well-being, affecting their academic performance, social interactions, and long-term success. In this practicum, the focus is on understanding the various measures and activities undertaken by schools and teachers to foster the mental health of students. The aim is to gain insights through interviews with school teachers who play a pivotal role in implementing these strategies.
The mental health of a school child is influenced by various interconnected elements. These elements contribute to the overall well-being of the child and impact their ability to learn, form relationships, and navigate the challenges of school life. Here are key elements of mental health for school children: Emotional Well-being: The ability to recognize and understand one's emotions. Effectively managing and expressing emotions in a healthy manner. Developing emotional resilience to cope with stress and setbacks.
Social Skills: Building positive relationships with peers and adults. Effective communication and conflict resolution. Collaborative and cooperative behavior in group settings.
Cognitive Development: Intellectual and cognitive abilities that contribute to academic success. Critical thinking skills, problem-solving, and creativity. The capacity to concentrate, learn, and retain information.
Self-esteem and Self-confidence: Positive self-perception and a healthy level of self-worth. Confidence in one's abilities and a belief in personal potential. Resilience in the face of challenges and setbacks.
Resilience and Coping Mechanisms: The ability to bounce back from adversity. Effective coping strategies to manage stress and challenges. Developing a growth mindset that embraces learning from experiences.

Sense of Belonging: Feeling connected and accepted within the school community. Developing a sense of belonging and identity. Inclusion and a supportive social environment.
Physical Well-being: Physical health and nutrition contribute to mental well-being. Adequate sleep and regular physical activity. Awareness of the mind-body connection and its impact on mental health.
Safety and Security: A physically and emotionally safe school environment. Protection from bullying, discrimination, and harassment. Trust in the school community and a sense of security.
Support Systems: Access to appropriate support services, including counseling. Positive relationships with teachers, staff, and peers. Open communication channels for expressing concerns and seeking help.
Environmental Factors: A conducive and positive learning environment. Well-designed and maintained physical spaces. Promotion of a positive school culture that values mental health.
Signs and symptoms of mental health
Mental health encompasses a broad spectrum of conditions, and signs and symptoms can vary widely depending on the specific disorder or issue. It's important to note that everyone experiences challenges to their mental well-being from time to time, but persistent or severe symptoms may indicate a mental health concern. Here are some general signs and symptoms that might indicate potential mental health issues: Changes in Mood: Persistent sadness or feelings of hopelessness. Extreme mood swings. Increased irritability or anger. Changes in Behavior: Social withdrawal or isolation. Changes in sleep patterns (insomnia or excessive sleeping). Changes in appetite or weight.
Cognitive Changes: Difficulty concentrating or making decisions. Impaired memory or forgetfulness. Racing thoughts or persistent negative thoughts.
Emotional Changes: Overwhelming fear or anxiety. Unexplained feelings of guilt or worthlessness. Lack of interest or pleasure in previously enjoyed activities.
Physical Symptoms: Fatigue or low energy. Aches and pains with no clear physical cause. Changes in libido.
Impaired Functioning: Decline in academic or work performance. Difficulty fulfilling responsibilities at home or work. Social and relationship problems.
Sleep Disturbances: Insomnia or hypersomnia (excessive sleeping). Nightmares or recurring disturbing dreams.
Psychosomatic Symptoms: Physical symptoms without a clear medical cause (headaches, stomachaches). Chronic pain that doesn't respond to treatment.
Isolation and Social Withdrawal: Avoidance of social activities and relationships. Difficulty connecting with others.
Risk-Taking Behavior: Engaging in reckless behavior without regard for consequences. Increased use of alcohol or drugs as a coping mechanism.
Changes in Personal Hygiene:
Neglect of personal grooming and hygiene.
Thoughts of Self-Harm or Suicide: Expressing thoughts of self-harm or suicide. Engaging in self-destructive behavior.
Objectives of mental health
The objectives of promoting mental health in school children are multifaceted, aiming to create an environment that supports their emotional, social, and cognitive development. These objectives contribute to the overall well-being of students and enhance their ability to thrive academically and personally. Here are key objectives of promoting mental health in school children: Create a Supportive Environment: Foster a school culture that values and prioritizes mental health. Establish a safe and inclusive environment where students feel accepted and supported. Develop Positive Relationships: Encourage the formation of positive relationships among students and with teachers. Provide opportunities for healthy social interactions and communication. Teach Coping Skills: Equip students with effective coping mechanisms to deal with stress and challenges. Promote resilience and the ability to bounce back from setbacks. Promote Emotional Intelligence: Integrate emotional intelligence education to help students recognize and manage their emotions. Encourage empathy and understanding of others' emotions. Enhance Social Skills: Develop and strengthen social skills, including communication, cooperation, and conflict resolution. Provide opportunities for teamwork and collaborative learning. Prevent Bullying and Harassment: Implement anti-bullying programs and strategies to create a safe and respectful school environment. Encourage reporting and intervention in cases of bullying or harassment. Provide Mental Health Education: Incorporate mental health education into the curriculum to increase awareness and reduce stigma. Educate students about common mental health issues and where to seek help. Encourage Physical Activity: Promote regular physical activity, which has positive effects on both physical and mental health. Provide opportunities for exercise and play within the school day. Supportive Counseling Services: Offer accessible and confidential counseling services for students who may need additional support. Ensure that school counselors are trained to address mental health concerns. Foster a Growth Mindset: Cultivate a growth mindset by emphasizing the value of effort and persistence. Encourage a positive attitude towards learning and facing challenges. Involve Parents and Caregivers: Engage parents and caregivers in promoting mental health at home and in the school community. Provide resources and information on supporting children's mental health. Create a Positive School Climate: Establish policies and practices that promote a positive and nurturing school climate. Address issues of discrimination, prejudice, and other factors that can negatively impact mental health. Identify and Address Early Warning Signs: Train teachers and staff to recognize early signs of mental health issues. Implement systems for early intervention and referral to appropriate support services. Evaluate and Improve Programs: Regularly assess the effectiveness of mental health programs and interventions. Make adjustments based on feedback and outcomes to continuously improve support for students.

The importance of mental health
The importance of mental health cannot be overstated as it profoundly influences overall well-being, resilience, and the ability to cope with life's challenges. Good mental health enhances cognitive functioning, supports healthy relationships, and contributes to academic and personal success. Prioritizing mental health is crucial for creating a positive, inclusive, and thriving community, both in schools and society at large. Ways to maintain good mental health Promote Physical Activity: Encourage regular exercise for mental and physical well-being. Teach Coping Skills: Equip children with effective strategies to manage stress. Foster Positive Relationships: Create an environment that nurtures healthy social connections. Provide Emotional Support: Ensure access to supportive adults and counseling services. Encourage Open Communication: Foster an atmosphere where children feel comfortable expressing emotions. Combat Bullying: Implement anti-bullying programs to create a safe space. Incorporate Mindfulness Practices: Introduce mindfulness techniques to enhance focus and reduce anxiety. Include Mental Health Education: Integrate mental health awareness into the school curriculum. Maintain a Positive School Climate: Implement policies promoting inclusivity and respect. Involve Parents: Engage parents in supporting children's mental health at home. Identify Early Warning Signs: Train staff to recognize and address signs of mental health issues. Ensure Adequate Sleep: Promote healthy sleep habits for optimal cognitive function. Provide Relaxation Spaces: Create designated areas for relaxation and stress relief. Celebrate Achievements: Acknowledge and celebrate students' accomplishments regularly. Offer Nutritious Meals: Provide balanced, nutritious meals to support overall health. Address Academic Pressures: Encourage a balanced approach to academics, recognizing individual strengths. Promote Inclusivity: Create an inclusive environment that values diversity and uniqueness. Establish Routine: Maintain consistent daily routines to provide stability. Encourage Hobbies and Interests: Support and foster children's interests outside of academics. Seek Professional Help:
Ensure access to mental health professionals when needed.
Schools play a pivotal role in protecting mental health by fostering supportive environments that prioritize well-being. Through anti-bullying initiatives, counseling services, and mental health education, schools create spaces where students feel safe to express themselves. By promoting positive relationships, addressing stressors, and integrating mindfulness practices, schools contribute to emotional resilience. Teachers, as mentors, can identify early signs of distress, offering timely support. Inclusivity, a positive school climate, and open communication further fortify the protective role of schools, ensuring students develop the necessary coping skills and emotional intelligence for sustained mental well-being.
To do this project I ............................................. .. I selected the students of the school. The students of the fifth to TENTH class of the school read and read. I have tried to complete my project work properly by interviewing the teachers and students of this school.
Name of School – School Address - Date of School Tour –
Tour candidates name - NUMBER OF Para teacher in the school- Number of teachers in the school - Number of classrooms in the school - Number of students in the school -
Two approaches have been adopted to implement the project properly. Namely - interview method and questionnaire method. Some information was obtained through interviews with the teachers and some of their open and closed questionnaire questions were collected. Sample - 1. Teacher's or teacher's name - 2. What subject do you study in the classroom? Answer - 3. Do students come to class or school on time? Answer - 4. If students do not understand what they are reading in the classroom, what do they ask? Answer – Yes ( )/ No ( ) 5. Do students listen attentively while reading in the classroom? Answer - Yes ( ) / No ( ) 6. Have you noticed the bad behavior of students while teaching in the classroom? Answer - 7. Do you have to scold students in the classroom? Answer - Yes ( ) / No ( ) 8. Do you have to physically punish students in the classroom? Answer - Yes ( ) / No ( ) 9. Are the parents informed if the students cannot read in the classroom? Answer - Yes ( ) / No ( ) 10. How are the results of students in the classroom? Answer - 11. Are there co-curricular activities without school reading? Answer - Yes ( ) / No ( ) 12. Do students participate in school co-curricular activities? Answer - Yes ( ) / No ( ) 13. Is the school organizing competitive events? Answer - Yes ( ) / No ( ) 14. In addition to the school reading, sports are made? Answer - Yes ( ) / No ( ) 15. Are students interested in sports in addition to reading? Answer - 16. Teachers or teachers come forward to solve the problems of students? Answer - 17. What steps have been taken to meet the needs of school students? Answer - 18. Is there any kind of health related classes in the school? Answer -
In conclusion, this practicum aims to shed light on the measures and activities undertaken by schools and teachers to promote the mental health of students. Through interviews with teachers, we aim to gain valuable insights into the strategies implemented, challenges faced, and the overall impact on the well-being of the school community. Recognizing the importance of mental health in the educational setting is essential for creating nurturing environments that facilitate optimal learning and personal growth.


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